We offer both quality HD and Swiss lace closures and frontals. They range from our Thin HD lace, HD lace, Swiss Lace, Mix HD & Swiss Lace, and Thin Swiss lace. The thinner the lace the better the melt.
Thin HD Lace - Our Thin Swiss lace is very fragile but will provide the ultimate melt. It is one of the thinnest lace on the market and therefore has a very short longevity period (no more than 3 to 4 installs). This lace can ONLY be found on our SEA raw quality hair.
Thin Swiss Lace - Our Thin Swiss lace provides an amazing melt and is reusable multiple times. This lace can only be found on our SEA and BURMA raw quality hair.
HD Lace - This HD lace is our number one seller because it provides a good melt and is durable. This HD lace can only be found on our virgin, premium virgin, and BURMA quality hair (Only on the Abelle Wig).
Mix HD & Swiss Lace - This lace is a perfect mixture between HD and Swiss lace. The lace connaisseurs would tell you this is an HD lace and others might tell you this lace is a fine Swiss lace. If you are looking for the best of both worlds, this is the lace for you. This lace is only found in our Cambodian Hair quality.
Swiss Lace - This lace is perfect if you want a lace that lasts an extended period of time. The melt is still great. This lace can only be found on our premium virgin quality hair.